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A marine biologist with a passion for wildlife photography.

Having always had an admiration for the animal world, it was not until later into my teenage years that I discovered my calling in life was to the ocean and to the species that call the ocean their home.

Ever since, I have travelled to places that I never believed possible, and I have experienced things in the natural world that are beyond my wildest dreams. 

My goal in life is to continue the pursuit of making a difference in this world through creating photographic stories and conservation work that will help to ensure the future of the natural world.

I enjoy the idea of creating stories through my photography and to use my images as a way of promoting the beauty that nature has to offer us.  The creation of a lasting memory, showcasing the wildlife that I am lucky enough to experience, is something that I love about photography.

Samuel Cooper

Getting to know me

I have always had a fascination with wanting to travel the world and to spend time living in countries with different cultures and lifestyles to my own.

For me, to really appreciate the place that you are visiting, you need to immerse yourself into the local way of life.  I love to get involved in projects that align with my passions and those that have an impact on both the species that we are researching as well as the local community who live and work there.

Spending time underwater, observing and learning about fascinating species is something that I never take for granted and it is where I feel that I can have the best impact.  The ocean is my greatest passion, and this is shown through the energy that I have during the work that I get involved with.

Marine Biologist
Immersing myself within the underwater world is what fuels my passion for life and having the opportunity to do so is something that I will never take for granted.
The love that I have for the ocean is like no other.  It is an incredibly special place, full of wonders and it is where I feel the strongest connection to nature.
Photography is a passion that allows me to express myself by telling stories through the images that I capture.  I believe it to be a strong tool in the conservation industry and beyond.
Conservation is what links all my passions together and it is something very close to my heart.  The conservation of our natural world is dependent on how we, as humans, behave.

Samuel Cooper Photography

© 2023 by Samuel Cooper Photography

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